Dave McCandless
Senior Director, Information Technology
Dave McCandless is Senior Director of IT for Guardant Health, focused on developing blood tests for early detection in high-risk populations and recurrence monitoring in cancer survivors.
He has oversight for all areas of IT service delivery, which incorporates early adoption of rising technologies and innovation processes that additional solidify Guardant Health’s leadership within the life sciences industry.
Before joining Guardant Health, Dave held a range of leadership positions in software development and IT operations for industry leaders Oracle, Bank of America, Chevron, AT&T Bell Labs, and Navis. Dave was additionally responsible for infrastructure design and operations of the HedgeStreet (now Nadex) binary options commerce exchange. Dave holds a B.S. in CS from Washington State University, and an M.S. in CS from University of Wisconsin, Madison.
At UC Berkeley Dave has been an Computer Science professor, and also has contributed in the book CIO Body Of Knowledge on the topic Business Continuity Planning. Dave is currently an advisory board member for Heligenics. Previously Dave was the co-founder of East Bay ICT Partnership, is a past advisory board member for the Fisher CIO Leadership Program at UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, and a past advisory board member of the Harold Frank Engineering Entrepreneurship Institute at Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture at Washington State University.